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Jedi Angel Funding: Scarcity Investing


Luke: She’s rich.

Han Solo: [interested] Rich?

Luke: Rich, powerful. Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be…

Han Solo: What?

Luke: Well, more wealth than you can imagine!

Han Solo: I don’t know, I can imagine quite a bit.

A couple days ago I was walking to a financial workshop in El Cajon, Ca and since I wasn’t from around there I asked this homeless man “Do you know where a particular street is? He asked me for some change and I gave him a one dollar bill. The reason why I am sharing this is that in the 15 minutes I spent with him I learned and relearned  all you need to know to be a good investor.


Imagine this he was walking with money in hand, holding a box of cans and bottles to recycle in both hands under his chin while trying to hold up his pants that seemed to have a mind of their own. Lots of the time we miss out on attracting the right asset because we are to attached to less valuable assets or ways of obtaining assets.

After walking with him for a while he started to engage me in a conversation to fact find to prequalify if I was worth the investment of his time. He already got a dollar out of me early on and if we were to part ways 5 minutes in it would be worth his time. What is your time worth? As an investor you don’t trade time for money? You create assets!!! What type of assets? ASSETS that create ASSETS!!!
Lesson 2

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad


7  to 8 minutes in he learned I was worth his time so he set his recyclables on the ground without even looking back. When I saw him doing this I was thinking he was going back but he knew that holding on to those about 50 cents worth of cans wasn’t worth it. He saw how easily I gave him a dollar and he wanted to give me more attention…this is how lots of investors make mistakes they are to attached to their assets and this causes Greed or poor decisions.


Lesson 3

I don’t walk over dollars to pick up dimes. Marshall Sylver, Passion, Profit and Power!!!

About 10 minutes in he asked me if  I “could go into the store and buy cigarettes for him?” He explained that he had the money he just needed me to go in to make the purchase I guess kind of like his broker. At one point he offer another homeless lady a couple cigarettes to go into the store with me to protect his investment. Although this didn’t work this help me realize that getting a pack a cigarette early in the morning would give him enough assets to negotiate what ever he wanted during the day. Homeless people are forced to operate in a mode of Scarcity and when we realize this we start to notice how are whole society is built about scarcity. Even some of the richest people in the world never have enough money because they operate in a scarcity mode.

Lesson 4

A billion dollars in the bank, without the experience of carefreeness and charity, is a state of poverty. Wealth consciousness, by definition, is a state of mind. If you are constantly concerned about how much money you need, then irrespective of the actual dollar amount you have in your account, you are really poor. Carefreeness automatically leads to charity and sharing because the source from which it all comes is infinite, unbounded, and inexhaustible. “Creating Affluence” by Deepak Chopra

You are probably thinking that if we have money and it works why does it matter. Because this struggle clouds us from receiving assets that are more valuable than money. How do YOU define Wealth? What is more important to you than money? Once we get this we will attract more wealth than we currently see as  possible…by tapping in to the abundance of a child.

Lesson 5

“Every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future.”

Louise Hay, Author and Founder of Hay House, Inc.

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