This morning I was working on a strategy for a client and I noticed they were blocking the solution that wanted. No judgement we all do this in some way. One of the reasons I just let my clients monitor the agreed solution because they are usually attached to the problem and they will fight me all the way. As a stepped away from this project I noticed that I was also attached to a problem. I believe we create problems so we can create solutions…I also understand that problems exist so we don’t have to create them. I guess what I am saying, is problems have an expiration date that point that we are ready for something else. Maybe just maybe that problem is here to distract us and prepare us for something Bigger, Better and Brighter. Join me now as we have the strength to connect with, observe fully and loving let go forever or until we need a quick and aware reminder of something that is no longer serving us. What is the next step? Letting go of the last three and wait til you see what is coming next?